Monday, August 13, 2012

Suggestion for successful learning.

Most of us have an idea about what success means to us, and we have a mental vision of what it will look like when it arrives in our lives. We might finally get the career recognition we’ve been working so hard for, earn a lot of money, find the man or woman of our dreams, start a family, purchase our own home, buy the sports car we’ve wanted since we were a teenager, or reach any number of other personal accomplishments. Is this success? For some of us, it might be. Perhaps you have a different vision of what success means to you.
Regardless of your personal definition of success, you likely have one thing in common with the rest of us: you are still seeking the level of success you want to attain. Maybe you’ve had success in certain areas, but not in others. Your career might be going great, but your relationships are lacking. Or you’ve met the love of your life, but you just can’t seem to earn the amount of money that would make you happy. Or everything else is great but you can’t seem to lose those last 20 pounds and get into better shape.
It’s a maddening position to be in, especially if you don’t understand why it’s happening. You may think you’re doing everything right, but circumstances just won’t bend to your will. You constantly run into obstacles, sabotage your own efforts, berate yourself for your “failures,”- and the struggle continues.
This struggle continues because of one reason, and one reason only: you are focusing your